Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Looking Back Briefly

This morning I woke up at 4am,  a tad bit overwhelmed at the realization that this is the last week of 2017. So my mind immediately begins to think over this year.

February, our family met out in California to be together for 10 whole days. In 2016 - they had all dispersed. One out to Cali and the other over to The Netherlands. Thankfully Hannah and Randell are only about an hour away in Michigan. We had been together for Hannah's wedding in June 2016, so February was a much looked forward to time of being together after being apart for so long. At that time, Lucas had not yet arrived on the scene, which made parting such a difficult affair.

March, Lucas was born and we had the pleasure of meeting him through Skype. Not the same as being present for Johan's birth and first several months but nontheless, it was better than snail mail.

April-May, we began the process of putting our Elkhart house on the market. It was an old house and quite large for just the two of us. And we finally admitted the sad reality that all of our children coming home at the same time was not going to be the norm and we needed to downsize. That process was painful to say the least. We began to go through all of the accumulations of the past 14 years of living there and saying goodbye to a lot of memories. It was also physically painful because of having to paint the entire main level and moving furniture.

June, we sold the house after a week and half on the market. We purchased a house in Goshen, where we could be a bit closer in proximity to my siblings, and feel a bit more connected. I had also begun the process of leaving my job at The Window.

July 6, we signed papers, moved all of the remaining belongings and on that same day, I put in my resignation at The Window where I had been employed for 4 years.  July 28, I walked away from a job that totally had my heart and soul. It was difficult.

August, I drove myself down to Florida and back to just get away from everything and everyone. It was a very refreshing time for me. At the end of August, I was hired into the Goshen School System first as a cross guard and a cafeteria sub. In a few weeks, I was hired into the Middle School as a cook.

September, we flew to The Netherlands to meet in person our newest grandson, Lucas and reuniting with Johan and their parents. We had  a lot of new adventures there and loved every minute of being with them.

October, lots of ups and downs for me personally. I soon realized that I was not going to survive at this present occupation. I have a new respect and appreciation for cooks in the schools.They work very hard for not a lot of money or appreciation and put up with a lot of crap from students. I continued to look around for new employment where I could make more money for perhaps not so many hours.

November, Thanksgiving with a few people around our table in our new, smaller home. Steve's Mom and Sister; Hannah and Randell; and Emily who had come up from Florida to visit Hannah. A couple days after, Steve and I flew out to California to be with Krista and Josh for 10 days. We had a lovely time and even more new adventures there.

December, We were not quite as depressed as last Christmas, so we put up decorations and had to get a new tree that would fit in out little house. =)  We did our "now normal" Skype Christmas with the kids and grand kids. It is not the way that I would like to do things but we are making it work and building memories over the internet.

Lots of changes, lots of adventure, some major disappointments and a whole lot of life that we lived in 2017. We are looking forward to 2018. I do believe I will be starting a new job within the first week of the new year but I don't want to count my chickens before they are actually hatched, so I will say no more than that until it's official. We are also looking forward to ALL of our children and grand children coming here the end of April 2018 for 2 whole weeks.  And then, I'm sure that there will be more traveling later in the year. Already 2018 is potentially better than this past year was and maybe not so many life changes - but we never know what is around the next bend.

I sure am so very grateful for the Hands of the Almighty that holds me safely and securely. I can face anything that comes my way when I know that I'm safe in Him.