Monday, July 31, 2017

First Day of Freedom

I had dreams during the night of not being able to get my work done at The Window, of people interrupting me, of food not getting done, produce coming in, donations coming in - lots of decisions to be made in short amounts of time......I would consider them nightmares.

Woke up to the reality that I didn't have to go into work. It will take me awhile to realize that I'm not just on vacation.

This week is a week of puttering around the house, getting ready to go camping and being able to sleep whenever I want.

Next week, I do another first and that is to get out on the open road all by myself and head to Florida for a few days. Yep, just me, myself and I in my car with the windows open and the music loud - wind blowing my hair and nothing to do but drive and sing at the top of my lungs. That in itself will be very therapeutic for me. I love to drive and I love the open road. I will be staying with my good friend and cousin who is a certified life coach and she will also help me to debrief the past 4 1/2 years, especially the past year that was full of tension, disagreements, drama and lots of stress. Hoping to come back with most if not all the cobwebs gone and clear thinking and dreams and passions.

But that is next week - back to my first day......going to pick up donuts for my Yoder family that will be coming for breakfast to help me celebrate and enjoy my first day.

I am so thankful and so grateful for my husband who encourages me and supports me to take this time to "pull myself together".  It's probably mostly for his own sanity and health and protection....hahahaha LOL

I am so thankful and so very grateful to the Lover of my soul - who reminds me how deeply He loves me with this house that is quickly becoming home and the amazing view I have every single morning.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. Many blessings on this next stage of your journey.
