Friday, September 8, 2017

It's HIS not Mine!

This morning with just a hint of color for a sunrise - it didn't last long at all with the cloudy, rainy skies.
Reading "If" book this morning and this stopped me in my tracks.

"And if you don't despise the day of small beginnings, the God who began a good work will carry it to completion. Why? Because it's not your vision; it's His. It's not your business; it's His. It's not your job; it's His. It's not your cause; it's His.  Someone may have hired you to do your job, but make no mistake about it, they didn't call you. Only God can call us. You may have been elected to your position, but make no mistake about it, your constituents didn't call you; God did. No matter where you work or what you do, you are called by God. Your job is  your sermon. Your colleagues are your congregation. That sense of calling turns Monday morning into ' what if'. " - Mark Batterson

So the faint colors of sunrise this morning is the small beginnings of today's adventures.
Today, I go into the lunch room and push around the garbage can and clean up after children with a renewed perspective.  Pushing around trash cans are small beginnings to grand adventures!

"Sometimes the greatest sermon is dong a good job at a bad job or doing a thankless job with a grateful heart."

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