Monday, March 19, 2018

Feeling Small in a Big World

This week, my mother turned her world upside down by falling and splintering her wrist. She will be having surgery to put it back together and will have a "bionic" wrist.

In the process of taking care of business here at home so that I could go up and help her out for a couple of days - my blood pressure spiked and I almost passed out twice as I was finishing up projects to fulfill some obligations. Basically, I was having an anxiety attack. I have been battling high blood pressure for a couple of weeks as I've been changing my eating lifestyle and being very intentional about getting healthy. I have never before experienced an anxiety attack, but I could feel myself getting dizzy and the room started to go a tad bit dark. I talked myself down and reminded myself of what was important to get finished and the other things that weren't so important - it was ok to let them go. I got everything done and we were on the road by that afternoon.

I continued to unwind the further we drove and closer we got to my mom.  We stopped at a gas station to fill up and to stretch our legs and get some food. I found several large items that made me feel small and put into perspective how that anxiety attack made me feel.

No, I did not cheat and eat that "treat". haha......We had a good time with my sweet mama. I cooked some meals for them to have in the freezer, since she only has one hand to work with, while my sister took down all her Christmas decorations and cleaned the bathrooms and did some laundry.

We are hoping to go up there again next week and because of being able to plan ahead - I will circumvent any anxiety attacks that may try to glom onto me. Now I know what it feels like to have one and my heart hurts for those that deal with them on a more regular basis.

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