Friday, April 6, 2018

Waiting...Still Waiting.....

Spring says it's here. Spring promises to come. Spring is coming. I see signs of Spring and it really here? Winter seems to have trouble releasing it's grip this year. Winter is being selfish and stubborn and being a bully. Winter is not letting Spring have it's turn.

I am anxiously waiting for Spring to reveal itself. I'm getting things ready for the warmth to be here so I can get to my landscaping. I have to start new and fresh and I'm collecting wherever I go so that I'm ready.

Is this kind of like waiting for the return of my King? I see the signs. I hear the promises. It looks like it's time and yet I'm still waiting.  Will I continue to anxiously wait? Will I continue to look forward to the day by getting ready, by being ready, by keeping myself ready? Or will I allow hopelessness and distrust and discouragement creep slowly in until I no longer watch for the signs?

I KNOW that what is promised WILL come to pass. I will NOT allow hopelessness or discouragement or disillusionment to dim my readiness, my watching eyes, my being ready.

Spring will come, maybe this year for only short time but it will come. My KING will come, in fact, He is already here in my heart. So I stand at the ready for Him to reveal Himself in me and through me and to the world.

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