Monday, August 21, 2017

Finding Rest in the Quiet, Lonely Spaces

Right?!?!  Isn't the quiet, lonely spaces restful? I'm finding out it isn't quite that simple and easy.

My mind constantly spins and whirs and chatters. It is very difficult to shut  my mind off. After so many years of trying to stay ahead with homeschooling my girls and then to keep up with them as they graduated and headed off into their own worlds. And then to also manage a very busy kitchen in a socially charged atmosphere.  I find myself not really knowing how to shut my mind off. As soon as I stir in the morning - my mind begins.

I'm finding that my quiet, lonely space these days has a new dimension to it. I don't really know myself anymore. I thought I did but the Holy Spirit has stretched me so much over the last 4 years that I don't seem to recognize who I am. It is a rather disconcerting place to be and to admit.

I do LOVE sunrises - that much I do know.
The sky this morning looks very much like my quiet, lonely spaces - very cloudy with peeks of sunshine.

I'm reading this book "If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilites" by Mark Batterson. This morning  this quote really jumped out at me and spoke to my lonely heart.
"Perhaps you're recently divorced. Maybe you've lost a job or lost a loved one this year. Or maybe your last child went off to college or your athletic career ended. In each of these scenarios and a thousand others, a vacuum was created. God wants to fill that vacuum with His Holy Spirit.The same Spirit who hovered over the void is hovering over you. He can bring beautiful order out of utter chaos."

Maybe this will encourage you this morning as it did me. I trust the Heart of the Holy Spirit as He hovers and broods over me in the quiet, lonely spaces of my heart.

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