I am trying something new. I realize that I have lots of thoughts and ideas and revelations and dreams that I wish to have a platform to share. I also have realized that Facebook is not conducive for all my musings because my postings can get quite lengthy. While on vacation, I decided that I would step out of my comfort zone and give this a try. I also have a very dear friend (Martha Steury) who continually wishes that I would have a larger audience because for some reason she believes that I have a lot of wisdom and insight to share. We shall see how this develops and what comes of it. Maybe I have some wisdom and insight and maybe it's menopausal ramblings. Either way at the very least it could be entertaining. =)
We just returned home from a 9 day family vacation out in Corona, California. We reunited with all of our children out there in a house that we had rented. My youngest daughter and her little family live in The Netherlands and came to Indiana first off in order to fly out to Cali with us. Our handsome, entertaining, lively 2 1/2 year old grandson decided that he would try to take on the adults by bringing a flu bug with him. In 2 weeks time, he brought 8 adults to their knees (some more literally than others). By the 7th day, we were all able to venture out to the beach ALL together. The first excursion where every single family members was able to go out. We had a great day with sun, warmth, sand and water and being together. The next day, we all headed out to breakfast and then sent our Netherlands family on their way. Later that night, we said goodbye to our California daughter and her husband and then early the next morning, Steve and I and our eldest daughter and her husband (who live in Niles, MI) set off to the airport.
I guess the family that gets sick together - stays together......or maybe that's not how it really works but it does bring out the love and the patience and going with the flow and learning once again how the best made plans don't always work out. All in all - we had a great 9 days together. I had a refreshing and awesome 2 weeks off work.
Signing off for this blog.
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