Thursday, February 16, 2017

Old Truth - New Perspective?

the last several days - i have been reading the Bible in the Message translation and i'm in the book of Acts. i have read these stories time and time again and every time i am amazed at how the number of believers grew exponentially (i think that's the word i want) (sometimes i use words too big for my intellect).  anyway......the disciples of Jesus had just witnessed His death and resurrection and then spent time with Him after the resurrection. they had just received the Holy Spirit and realized the power of life that He brings. but as i'm reading - i'm realizing that they kept things pretty basic and simple. not a lot of expectation in how to act, dress, behave, etc.

at one point there were some religious people that began to say that those who are not of the Jewish faith need to be adhering to the rules and regulations of the Jewish faith in order to be part of Jesus. it became somewhat of an argument between all the leaders.

how so much like us in these days - i have this need to have things controlled and defined and so i begin to put boxes and expectations on those who are not of my faith and culture and expect them to act, believe and maybe even dress like me.

the only 2 commandments that Jesus requires of us "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind AND to love your neighbor as yourself".  He said that the all the law and the prophets are summed up in these 2 commandments.  i believe and this is my opinion only - that anything else that we feel is required is just that.....our opinion.

Paul was asking the religious people "God is beginning at the very center of who they were and working from that center outward, cleaning up their lives as they trusted and believed Him. so why are we now trying to out-god God, loading these new believers down with rules that crushed our ancestors and crushed us too? don't we believe that we are saved because the Master Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us just as He did those from beyond our nation?" Acts 13-15

Jesus takes us just as we are - messed up, broken, bad habits, etc.  as we learn to trust Him more and more - we change. we can NOT judge what we see on the outside of someone - we have no idea how God is working in their hearts. sometimes change take lots of time to be seen.


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