Sunday, February 12, 2017

Old Friends - New Encouragement, New Insights, New Perspectives

Shoot, Shoot, Shoot!!!!  i didn't think about it until just now when i sat down to blog about something new today - i should have taken a picture.........

i have this friend - she's one of a kind - she has known me since we were young teenagers. we became acquainted when the both of us worked at a local restaurant way back in the day. we used to hang out all the time and used to get into all kinds of trouble. then somewhere along the line - we lost touch with each other. one of us quit that job (i don't remember who quit first). we seem to march to the rhythm of the same drum (which seems to be usually different from everyone else). we come from the same culture, from the same type of life experiences.

over the years - there would be these moments of re-acquaintance and then long long long pauses of losing touch again.

we now live in the same state but still not in the same area and we don't see each other very often. we stay connected on facebook - which has been fun.

this afternoon i received a text from her stating that she was in my neck of the woods and would i want to meet her somewhere. i dropped what i was doing (which wasn't much) and told my husband where i was going.

we spent 3 1/2 hours of talking, eating and drinking.

it's always good to have at least one person with whom you can pretty much say it all and not worry about being judged for what i say or how i say it. that's who we are to each other.

God knew we both needed to have a NEW reacquainting moment in our space and time.

Thank you so very much for letting me know you were so close and for wanting to be with me. Velda Miller - i think i can safely say that you are my soul mate. Thank you for being my SOMETHING NEW for today!  you make me smile all the way down to my toes.

God bless you my friend - and remember that every step you take is blessed of God!

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