Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Letting Go.......

We are in the middle of getting our house ready to put on the market. Steve is finishing up the bathroom, while I am taking things off the walls, going through cupboards and closets. 

Paring down, downsizing, cutting back,  de-cluttering, etc......all ideas of  letting go.  Sounds rather negative to me as I look at all the things I have accumulated over the 32 years of the making of a home and family. I have had to decide about mementos from places and events that I've held on to for years. Mementos of items passed down from my great-grandparents to grandparents to parents to me and then ask my daughters if they want to continue to pass it on. Mementos of my childhood. Mementos of my dad who was quickly transferred to Glory 20+ years ago. Mementos that may actually have some monetary value.  Mementos of important events in my life. Mementos of places that we've been as a family that I don't want to forget. Mementos of seasons in my life. Mementos of people that have touched my life. 
Some of the decisions have been gut-wrenching, some have been given a little thought, some have taken creative thinking on how I can still have the mementos and yet not have them in my possession and some decisions haven't been difficult at all.

Boxes are beginning to pile up in my living room. Piles of objects going to various places and family members are growing. It's looking like I'm making progress. But then I look around and realize I have a long way to go and need more boxes. 

I have been sentimental, had moments of tears spilling over and down my face as I remember people, events, moments in the objects that I've collected over the years. I have even been watching a very sweet, sappy Hallmark series that has me in tears about every episode. I have not wanted to watch something this sappy for a very long time and I realize that it is the state of  my heart right now. 

On the happier side of things; I am ready for change, I am ready to become a little less tethered to the things of this world, I am ready to be able to pick up and go when needed or wanted. 

I am actually looking forward to letting go of more SO THAT I can embrace the new. I am not able to grab hold of the future when my hands are so full of the past. 

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