Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Beauty In the Waiting

So here we are still waiting........

I have found snippets of beauty through out my day today. One was that my daughter Hannah was there to help us in the kitchen today. I love when she comes. She knows what I want done and how I want it done.  I don't have to explain much at all - she just gets it. But then again - she's had a lot of years under her mother's tutelage in the kitchen.

Today also, I had the honor of actually being in the serving line - serving my friends.  I love to greet them by name and make eye contact with them. I don't so much love the cooking. I've never really liked cooking. I'm good at it because I had a very good teacher as well growing up. But cooking not my first love. I do however love to make people feel good about themselves. Give them a reason to keep going. Create an environment of dignity, respect and love is what I love to do.  I love to interact and be involved in people's lives.

One of those friends of mine - a little over a year ago had been hit by a car as he was walking and pretty much messed him up. I can't remember all that had happened to him. While he was mending from that - he lost his job. Then he just got to the point where he could go back to work - when he had a hernia that exploded. I know that's not the medical or technical term for it but it messed his innards up and he had surgery and then he lost his job again and lost his medical insurance. Basically he almost lost his life again. He just never gave up. Even when he was on crutches and could barely walk - he would make his way to the doctor or the hospital even when he didn't have a ride.  He just kept on going and going. He never gave up. He never quit. Today he came in for lunch and he was healthy and whole and ready to go get his job back. He was smiling and joking and I had the chance to tell him how I appreciated his "never give up attitude". He said that God must still need him around. It was a joy to chat a little with him.

Another little beauty was sharing some God stories with another coworker.  We were able to encourage each other that He was in everything that we do there and that He has our backs because we touch His heart with every life that we serve on a daily basis.  

Today as I looked over the dining room - my heart was touched by the conversation flowing as people sat and interacted with each other over a plate of good, wholesome and healthy food.  I even watched as one young man became agitated and as I stepped over to intervene, a couple of other people actually talked him down calmly and lovingly.  I was like "yeah God, is this what happens to your heart when You watch us be like You?"  My heart was filled to overflowing.

The climax of the day was driving Hannah over to look at a house that we put an offer on - she said "Mom, it was a joy to watch you in the serving line. How you called everyone by their name. How you knew what each one would want on their plate and yet you asked them to make sure. How you touched them with your kindness. You belong there, in that kind of work. They love you and respect you there."

I don't know most days how everything gets done but I do know one thing - I do what God asks of me. Nothing more and nothing less. And I do know there are seasons in all of our lives. I will do and go and be whatever it is that He asks me to do, go and be. Because in that, I know is the best place to be.

Here I am still waiting......still waiting for our house to sell ( i know, i'm impatient). still waiting to get on with whatever comes next.....whatever that is. still waiting to see a new season of my life unfold.....whatever that means.  And yes, while waiting, I continue to be and do and go with the here and the now.  And be open to see and hear who's life He wants to touch through mine.

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