Monday, May 29, 2017

While I'm Waiting

Yep....this beautiful home has been on the market for 1 week. We have another showing this afternoon.

So....while I continue to wait to move on with life - I have dreams. I dream of what could happen. I dream of what might happen. I have dreams of what will happen if the could be's and the might be's happen.........oh my aching head........

Today, it's all about cleaning the house. It's about taking some of our furniture to our daughter Hannah - another stage to emptying our home.

It's all a bit sad and yet exciting for the next season.  Not sure what it all holds but I'm so ready to get on with it.

So very tired of hanging in limbo. I have no control of when our house will sell. We have put an offer on another house that's contingent on selling this one. So......I'm ready - more than ready to get on with it. Decisions hang in the balance until we are through with this upheaval in our lives. So let's get on with it.

Meanwhile, I think of today......Today is my youngest daughter, Carmen's birthday.

Today is also the day that we remember......those who have given their lives for us to live freely, to move, to dream and to pass values onto the next generation. I have several family members that have served in the armed forces. I am in awe of those who would stand in the gap for the masses of people who in this day and age - have no respect for our nation or for those who defend it.

I am also in awe of The One Man and God Jesus that gave His life freely to those who ridiculed Him, disbelieved Him, who continue to turn their backs on Him.

My heart is full of gratitude and humility and deep respect. Thank you to all of you who laid down your lives so that we might live in a free nation. And my deepest heart cry "Thank You" to the One who continually lays His life down to keep us free from the chains that keep us from living life abundantly.

All of this in another day of waiting..........thank you for waiting with me.

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