Friday, June 2, 2017

Two Steps Forward and then We Wait

There has finally been some forward movement in our house downsizing process.  Even with the forward movement - we still wait. We wait to make sure that all is in order and goes through without a hitch. So.....guess what.....the next step is......more waiting.

I think I'll use the waiting time to get down into our basement to get things organized and downsized and packed up. That should keep me busy for at least a few days.

In my heart - I have been carrying a sadness that this season of change has brought. The sadness comes from decisions that are being made to move onward and upward because it means leaving good things behind and letting go of what is good to reach for something new.  It means facing forward, anticipating the new adventures that comes with leaving the familiar and comfortable, and not looking back to what was left behind. I am not sure what will happen after this decision of housing is confirmed and so it leaves me a bit apprehensive to the unknown.

But I do know that like Much Afraid in the book, Hinds Feet on High Places, I want to keep climbing onward and upward no matter the unknowns, no matter the dangers or lonely places. I don't want to look back and wonder why I allowed fear to hold me back from living life to the fullest. And in order to reach the High Places, Much Afraid had to hold onto The Shepherd's hand and allow Him to lead her into those unknown, sharp and steep places. He knows the way. He knows the pitfalls and if I keep holding onto His Hand - it will be there to steady me on the uneven and slippery places.

Even with the sadness, I do have an excitement of knowing that I will be closer to my siblings. Closer to some really good eating places.  Closer to more bike paths, which I'm very excited about.  I will have new projects to work on in this new place. I have an excitement for this next season as an "older" married couple in a much smaller house. I have ideas and dreams about what that means but once again waiting is the word.....waiting to see what will unfold.

So hurry up with the technicalities and all the financial details and let's get on with the new.........

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