Friday, June 23, 2017

A Few New Happenings

First of all - I can't believe I have a daughter that has turned 30 this year. Makes me feel old when my children continue to get older.
Second - well, I can't talk about that yet....sorry....=)

Third - the process of selling our house continues to wear on Steve and I, we  have a tentative closing date of July 6. Our buyer sent us a Christmas Wish List of things that he wanted us to fix or do before we closed and possibly be a deal breaker for him if we didn't. We were quite discouraged at first because we had already accepted his offer of several thousand dollars shy of our asking price and now he wants us to do more? But as Steve digested the list (because most of it is on him) and talked to his professional electric buddy - realized that most of the stuff was very minor to do and needed to be done. The other stuff - we're leaving up to our buyer to do. So crossing our fingers and hoping for the best that this still goes through. Otherwise, if the buyer backs out - then we are back to ground zero and then we have to rethink everything. Which totally sucks, cuz we're so ready to move on. Oh well.......

On a much brighter note - my ornamental lilies are exquisite and bursting with life and they make my heart lighter and face smile =)

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