Monday, May 15, 2017

Water Aerobics on Steroids

Since you all enjoyed my previous blog about my first experience with water aerobics, I thought you might enjoy an update......hopefully you will get another good laugh at my expense......:D

This evening - we had 25 adults in this small pool. I asked my instructor during class the size of the pool and she said maybe 25 meters maybe 50 meters....anyway....I don't know what an Olympic size pool is or a high school pool or even a backyard pool. In any case - it's really small when there's 25 adults.

By the time we all made 2-3 laps around in our warm up walking, a strong current was already being created. I was trying to not get on the outside for fear of getting caught in the corners AND I was certainly trying to not get into the center of the pool for fear it would be like the Bermuda Triangle in there - I just might never come back out. So trying to stay in the main stream of everyone - there was a constant concern of being trampled over because by this time the current was so strong, I was getting carried away by it. My feet were literally coming up off the bottom as I was trying to stay afloat plus keep my feet on the bottom in order to walk, run, skip, gallop.


Every time I tried to take a step - I was literally being carried backwards.  In other times and places and events - I would be more than happy to just let go and float away BUT I'm trying to exercise here. Floating away is not really an option. But despite my best efforts I made it back to my spot by going backwards - it was just not happening. All the flailing and kicking I was trying to do was just hurting everyone else, so I decided it was better to give up and float back to my spot.

Before you judge me or think too harsh of my lack of exercise - you should come try it - I double dog dare you.  It is a good work out - every time I move an appendage - I work all my core muscles just to stay in one spot.

The dumbbell exercise are the ones that make me laugh the most. Every single time I put those weights down into the water - my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. Tonight because there were so many people - it created lots of waves and if my feet come up - I tend to get tossed around. So there I am trying to hold my own with weight in my hands and trying to get myself right side up. But most of the time I'm like a weeble wobble......bobbing around from side to side just like a buoy being shifted by the waves. And then I find myself bumping into people or end up out in the middle of the pool because when my feet come up - I travel.  Yep, I'm getting pretty neighborly with all those folks.....downright neighborly.  hahahaha

Tonight we did a lot of leg exercise by holding ourselves up on the ledge. Wasn't supposed to let the booty hit the wall or sit on the ledge but trying to hold the legs straight out and up was difficult to say the least. I am getting better - my feet didn't sink to the bottom once this time. Maybe my core is getting stronger..........

So all that to say - if you live in the area and want a good work out PLUS  a good ole belly laugh - come and join me.

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